Even in the age of gadgets, a printed book remains a special island of comfort, warmth and wisdom. Reading books to adults and children is not only interesting, but also useful. They help develop logical thinking, memory, attention, and teach life values.
British scientists were able to prove that reading can have a positive effect on children's intelligence. They were supported by their American colleagues and added that spending time together over a favorite book will help a child to become more communicative and socialize in society.
A cozy family evening reading books will build relationships between adults and children. What book to read in a circle of close people? Of course, the most interesting and useful for the age of the child. To help can come Russian fairy tales, bestsellers of world literature and not only. We suggest reading to the whole family:
- Interesting tales. Children enjoy reading and listening to Russian and foreign fairy tales. You can read "Peter Pan" and "Cinderella" as a family.
- Children's encyclopedias. Kids love books about animals, plants, experiments and more. Inquisitive "whiz-kids" will be delighted with such an exciting reading. The child will read with interest about all the most interesting things in the world. Time with loved ones will fly by unnoticed.
- Books for thinking development. Book in the format of "Find and Show" will help the child to develop logic, memory and attention.
- Classics. The new collection of stories "Mowgli" is created especially for children.... You can also read interesting books by Astrid Lindgren - "Pippi Longstocking", "The Kid and Carlson", "Madiken".Decorate the family leisure time will help good old stories by Nikolai Nosov - "Living Hat", "Patch". Children will also like "Stories about Mummy Trolls".
Joint reading will give positive emotions, establish contact between parents and children and simply make leisure time interesting and informative!