Palme School


Why keep in touch with your homeland

Прожив много лет за границей, нам может казаться, что мы стали другими людьми. Мы действительно ими стали. Произошло не замещение нашей личности, а ее расширение.

Russian longing or why we long for our homeland

Тоска по Родине — чувство, хорошо знакомое иммигрантам. У кого-то оно сильнее, у кого-то слабее, но, по мнению психологов, через это проходит каждый, кто уехал

Top 10 most interesting posts for you

Наша команда профессионалов постоянно работает над тем, чтобы стать для вас еще лучше. Недавно мы вручную собрали статистику по опубликованным постам. В топ-10 самых интересных

Thank you for being with us

Благодарим всех за внимание к нашему Разговорному клубу 2.0. Мы его создали специально для ваших детей, чтобы помочь научиться свободно говорить по-русски. В нем –

2 days of favorable prices for subscription to Conversation Club 2.0 are left

Разговорный клуб 2.0 – это много интересных тем с учетом возраста и уровня знаний. В творческой атмосфере ваш ребенок: • Расширит словарный запас• Преодолеет «языковой

Last Call: 1 day left and Early Bird Price will burn out

Времени остается совсем мало. Но сейчас вы все еще можете купить подписку на обучение в Разговорном клубе по самым аппетитным ценам: • 1 месяц по

Why you can trust us

Нам можно доверять, так как мы тоже иммигранты. У нас есть опыт интеграции за рубежом. А еще мы знаем, какие нужны условия для поддержания языка.

What our customers say about us

We understand your desire to teach your child to speak Russian fluently. At the same time, we understand your doubts. That is why we are in a hurry to dispel them here and now.  

Our expertise in language teaching

What gives us the right to teach your children Russian and why can we do it? No embellishment of reality, just the facts: - We are immigrants ourselves. Many

Conversation practice. What is it for?

We have already written about how important it is not only to be able to read, write and listen, but also to speak Russian. Now we are going to tell you how it will benefit

Why Russian math is strong math

The Russian school of mathematics is indeed considered one of the strongest in the world. Andrei Kolmogorov, Grigory Perelman, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Paphnutiy Chebyshev, Mikhail Ostrogradsky, Nikolai Lobachevsky - these are

Should we start preparing for school now

When it comes to preparing for school, parents often have opposing views. Some believe that it can kill interest, while others think it will make school life easier. Let's get to the bottom of it,

Top 10 cartoons that will help in school

Not all children like to study, but every schoolchild loves to watch cartoons. In order to make the learning process interesting, offer your fidgety child to watch informative and very interesting cartoons


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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator