Palme School

Why is it difficult for me to teach a bilingual child to speak Russian on my own?

Hi! Palme School is here with you, today we are going to tell you why you find it difficult to teach your child Russian on your own and how we can help you.

"My parents taught me to say why I can't handle it."

It is true, we ourselves learned to speak from our parents and mastered our mother tongue quite quickly. This scheme is more difficult for your child if he/she has two mother tongues: mom's and dad's or parent's and country of residence. 


A bilingual child's brain works a little differently. It will have advantages over time. That's what we've been talking about here. But it's also a learning difficulty.


A child who is surrounded by one language is not distracted by cognitive dissonance, does not confuse words in languages, and tires more slowly. The bilingual's brain is under twice as much strain. And it is important to teach a bilingual in the right way. We have left the recommendations here. 

"I've been learning English since childhood, so my child can learn Russian."

Russian as a foreign language is a complex part of science. In studying RCT it is important to consider not only the subject of study, but also who is studying it. Russian language has a different structure from the Romano-Germanic languages. Therefore, anyone who studies RCT usually moves along these lines:

  • Basic vocabulary to build up vocabulary.
  • Cases in special order: nominative (who? what?), local (where? on what?), prepositional (about whom? about what?), accusative (whom? what?), genitive (whom? what? what?), dative (to whom? what?), creator (by whom? what?).
  • Verbs of motion.
  • Verbs in 7 forms.
  • Time, direction, location, types of verbs.
  • Syntax: complex sentences, participles, de-particles.


More about learning Russian as a foreign language can be found at here.

"I can learn all the details of RCT and bring it to my child."

Bilingual children often learn a second language through their parents. And speaking skills can be enough to communicate with grandparents who have stayed behind to live in Russia.


At Palme School we cover all areas of the language: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our teachers are Russian language professionals who know different methods and are able to work with different temperaments, levels of knowledge, types of memory, and so on. After Russian language lessons at Palme School, children can draw and sign a card for their grandmother, read a Pushkin poem in the original, maintain a conversation with their peers or even use Russian as a secret language with one of their parents.


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