Palme School

Three studies on how to study effectively. And how Palme School has incorporated them into the new program.

Hi! This article is about research, effective teaching, and Palme School.

  1. Which is more effective an intensive or a course of several months. Research.
  2. How to memorize information better. How to teach the material. Research
  3. What is the "testing effect"?

Let's go!

1. Psychologists at UCLA in 2015 did a study: what is more effective long-term training or an intensive?

In a nutshell: long term training with equal intervals is more effective for skills because it engages long-term memory and trains a skill - retrieving data from that memory. 

Intensives are more effective if you want a lot of information but don't plan to keep it in your head. It is better to take notes.

How does Palme School use this in the classroom?

  • We have created a program of cycles. Each cycle is 35 lessons with a leading character, a set of topics, projects, grammar rules. 
  • When the student passes and solidifies the cycle, the teacher takes the student to the next level.
  • The student continues in the group, but may start, pause, return, and end the cycle at any point in the year.

2. Researchers at Arizona State University in 2014 studied in which form students are better at memorizing information.

The most effective ways were:


  • creating a semantic map;
  • taking notes;
  • self-explanation;
  • an outline from a mixture of pictures, graphs, text.

And 4 modes of interaction that are important to alternate:


Constructive - a way of interaction where the teacher gives a piece of information and the student figures out how to use it.

Interactive - when the teacher picks up the use case and continues this game with the student.

Active - speaking, writing.

Passive - reading, listening.

How does Palme School use this in the classroom?

  • We combine a communicative and lexical approach in our lessons. Pupils quickly begin to speak Russian with phrase structures and sentences.
  • We use multimedia materials where everyone in the lesson interacts with each other and shares language experiences.
  • We teach children through adventures, adding characters and locations according to their age: with Pushkin and Buratino we travel to the Tretyakov Gallery or organize a tour of Europe.
  • We included in the program articulation warm-ups for correct pronunciation of sounds and their combinations.
  • And neurogymnastics to develop memory, attention, thinking, logic.
3. Psychologists from West Lafayette, U.S.A. in 2011 studied the "testing effect," a phenomenon in which students learned more effectively if they retrieved material from long-term memory rather than monotonously memorized it.

The essence of the method is to retrieve each new block of information from memory, think of how and where else the information applies, share and discuss with the teacher or fellow students.

How does Palme School use this in the classroom?

  • We introduce new words and rules according to the range of learning topics, so that the pupil masters the necessary grammar and immediately applies it in a specific speech situation.
  • We develop creativity and out-of-the-box thinking (mini-projects) - we immerse students in a language situation where everyone learns to use "live" Russian in the form of dialogues and monologues.

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