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How mom and dad can help a child become attentive
Does your teacher often complain that your child gets distracted in class and disturbs other children? Do you notice that your son has a bad memory? Or maybe your child has difficulty with

What professions can be chosen by those who know math
Mathematics is a powerful tool for brain development in general and thinking in particular. There are professions in which knowledge of this subject will be of direct use, and there are also

What you need to know about an extroverted child
These children are energetic, cheerful and communicative. They want to know everything about everything and very quickly find a common language with others. So it's not surprising that they have

20 situations where math comes in handy in life
Sometimes parents hear from their children: "I will not learn geometry/algebra/math, I will not need it in my life, and I already know how to count". We have collected many

Types and characteristics of perception in children
If parents need to choose methods, ways and forms of teaching their child, it is important to consider the type of perception. Research has shown that 20-30% people find it easier to memorize new information when the

Introverted child: what parents need to know
All children are different and that's fine. While some love active games with friends, fun time in a large company, others like solitude and a minimum of

Competencies of the future that will help a child become successful in any profession
Your children may not yet know what they want to be when they grow up. They will acquire professional knowledge in due time. In the meantime, we as parents can help

Creative ways to motivate your child
Not only adults, but also children are very important to have motivation. It is what makes us act and go confidently towards our goal. It is not difficult to motivate a child. It is enough

Ways to develop a child's emotional intelligence
The ability to understand and manage your emotions is an important prerequisite for a happy life and success in your career. That is why you need to start developing emotional intelligence already

20 signs that your child will be successful
Some children are said to be born leaders. Others are said to be future entrepreneurs. Sometimes even in childhood you can see the traits that will influence the child's future.

Children's eye exercises
Simple exercises for the eyes are an excellent prevention of decreasing visual acuity. When choosing gymnastics, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child. Preschoolers can be helped by their parents to perform the exercises, while older children can

The child doesn't want to learn
If children have no desire to learn, the problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible so that it doesn't get worse. Here's how you can proceed. First, find out why the child

Why does a high school student need emotional intelligence?
This type of intelligence enables us to understand and manage our own and others' emotions. The authors of the first book on emotional intelligence refer to four components: 1.

How to motivate your child to do homework on their own
Parents don't always have time to sit down with their child for homework. And independence should be developed. How do you do that? Here are 10 tips

How tutors differ from educators
Children can learn at school with teachers or with a tutor. Parents sometimes specifically choose a tutor because of individual or group lessons

Why cheap schools don't get results
If a school offers low tuition prices, it means that it is saving money on something. And this will inevitably affect the result. Without appropriate costs, it will not be possible to provide quality

Why Russians think differently
The writer Sergei Dovlatov said that a person's 90% personality consists of the language he or she speaks. Philosophers, linguists and psychologists are sure that language influences the

Why is online learning taking over the world?
All countries have schools and courses that you can study online.There are more and more of them every day. There are courses for adults, schools

How to shop online safely for your child
It's better the first 2-3 times you buy something together with your kids to set an example. Here's how you can proceed: - Choose an online store. Advise your child to compare prices and conditions

What destroys a child's motivation?
Sometimes moms and dads do not understand why their children do not want to learn, go to interesting circles and in general to be active, to strive for something. It turns out that they have

The child is being laughed at. What should I do?
It hurts. Hurt. Ashamed. Scared. Sad. These and other "mixes" of feelings are experienced by a child who is constantly ridiculed. Some stand firmly withstand the attacks of peers, fight back and put the