Palme School

Who Shouldn't Walk Away From Russian School

Our school should definitely not be passed over by parents who:


- Realize how important it is to engage in the development of a child from childhood. It is during this period that 75-90% the capabilities of a person are formed. Then it will be too late.

- Ready to devote time to your child's education. However, with our school this time is reduced to zero. All you need to do is turn on the computer and put your child in front of it.

- They want a better future for their child. People who study a foreign language from childhood, develop logical thinking, the ability to work in a group and communicate with others, find it much easier in the future to move up the career ladder, build relationships with colleagues and friends.

- They want to raise a smart, educated child. The earlier the education starts, the more effective the result.

- They don't want their child to have a hard time in school. In our classes, we learn basic rules and concepts. Children also learn how to approach the learning process in the right way and how to work as a team.

- They want the child to retain a connection with their homeland and language. The parents of many of our pupils often travel to Russia to visit relatives and friends. Children who know Russian find it easier and more interesting to spend time there.


And also our school is for all those who are responsible in the process of raising a child.


If you found yourself on this list, welcome to Palme School. We are currently running a sale in honor of Boxing Day. Don't miss out on The Best Price. The sale will be over Dec. 26 at 11:59 p.m.


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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child's educator1
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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator