The ideal child is never late for school, attends a dozen clubs, enjoys doing homework, has time to do everything and even read a book, independently allocates his time... and does not exist.
Kids are kids for forgetting, being late, and sometimes not keeping up. We'll tell you how to help your child manage time as if he were Dr. Strange from The Avengers.
Tame the elephant
Take on a big job right away. Like cleaning your room after a friend invasion. Of course, it's hard and tedious, and it makes your teeth chatter. It seems impossible.
What if... we split the big task into several smaller ones and do one at a time? First we pet the elephant's trunk, then his leg, and then climb on his back - pop, and the elephant is tamed!
Not to do "homework" but to do math first, then French and finish that with geography.
Not "clean your room" but take apart lego and put the toys in a drawer.
Instead of one big case, there are three little ones and it's not so daunting anymore.
Split into two boxes
Kids have so many things to do that they get confused about where is important and where is urgent.
For example, going to hockey practice may be urgent, but not as important as winning a fight in a computer game. Of course, from the child's point of view, not his mom's.
What if we divide things into important and urgent? In the morning, we write a list of things to do: the red stickers will be urgent, the green stickers will be important. Or put them in two different boxes.
Some things can change their priority. For example, doing homework at lunchtime is still important, but in the evening it is urgent.
To catch frogs
These are unpleasant or boring chores that children certainly don't want to do. For example, taking apart a closet or doing homework. But if you don't catch the frog, he will bring his friends with him and it will be a nightmare.
What if you catch the frog and get rid of it right away? Prioritize the case and get rid of it as quickly as possible.
Since the morning, you have dismantled the closet and now the task does not weigh you down, does not spoil your mood. And if the "frog" is difficult, you can also tame it like an elephant.