Palme School

How not to spoil a child. Tips from child psychologists

Overprotective moms and dads are harmful to children. They grow up spoiled and disobedient. Do you want your son and daughter to be grateful? Simple advice from child psychologists will help:

- You don't have to constantly tell your child that they are the best and most special
- Stop overprotecting and worrying about him
- Do not allow your child to be rude or snap at you
- Offer to replace or repair broken toys
- When rules are violated, conduct educational discussions
- Even super busy kids have to have their own family responsibilities
- Teach your child to be independent. You don't have to do his work for him
- Teach me to be patient
- Talk about how to manage your frustration and irritation
- Don't cook breakfast, lunch and dinner "made to order" for your children
- Do not allow your child to be disrespected
- Before you go to bed, be sure to ask him what three things he is thankful for
- Tell them that "difficult" is often for the good, and the waiting time will help build character
- Let the child control his or her own screen time without adult assistance
- Explain that not everything can be discussed. You are the parent, so it's up to you to decide

Do these "parenting moments" seem difficult and inconvenient? But if you don't make time for your children now, your attention will be needed much more in the future.

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