Palme School

16 fiction books about the Russian life of peasants and nobles of the 19th century.

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We have compiled a list of literature that has not just become world classics, but is meant to introduce us to the experiences and lives of people who lived before us. 

Н. Gogol's "Dead Souls."

A former collegiate counselor poses as a landowner and tries to pull off a fraudulent scheme of imperial proportions. From the work, one can learn much about the structure of high society and the documentation of serfs.

Н. Gogol's "The Inspector"

A comedy play in five acts. Officials, steeped in corruption, receive news of the arrival of an auditor. There is very little time to prepare and hide what should be hidden. But there is a nuance, the auditor arrives incognito....

Л. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina"

The end of the story is known to everyone. And the plot begins with the acquaintance of the married Anna Karenina with the young officer Vronsky, family quarrels and a description of the life of the nobility. From Tolstoy's novel you can learn a lot about the mores, love and injustice of the upper classes.

А. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit."

A comedy in verse, where Chatsky "the new man" thinks a lot about high things, exposing Moscow society and morality while life and love pass him by.

M. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time."

"Hero of Our Time" is considered one of the first social-psychological novels. Lermontov proposed an ambiguous character with a penchant for reflection and travel.

А. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Pushkin proposes himself as Onegin's prototype. And if you read the whole novel, the words "The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us" take on the opposite meaning. Duels, the amorous blush on cheeks and visits to the houses of high society - all this is masterfully described by Pushkin.

А. Pushkin "Belkin's Tales"

A series of novellas about peasants, nobles, and their interactions with each other.

И. Goncharov's "Oblomov."

A novel from the trilogy along with "An Ordinary Story" and "The Precipice". Drama, an escape from the comfort zone and a clear break between the languid nobleman Oblomov and his childhood friend, the active Stoltz. 

И. Turgenev "Mumu"

A contrasting narrative of barinas and peasants, love of animals and fear of "masters".

И. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

A novel about generational disputes at a time of new reforms and the abolition of serfdom.

А. Ostrovsky's "Bespridannitsa"

A dramatic play about the life of merchants, financial inequality and pride. The movie Cruel Romance was based on this play.

Ф. Dostoevsky's "The Imp"

A novel about a revolutionary group of students in the Russian Empire. "Besy" is full of reflections, contradictory characters and everyday life of students.

А. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"

Chekhov clearly demonstrates the inability of the nobility to manage their finances. One of the key ideas of the play is that a lot of money does not mean that you are happy and rich.

Н. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

The story is about a young merchant passionately in love with a clerk. From the work one can draw many conclusions about the state of affairs in high society, financial inequality, and the pretense of love for the sake of money.

А. Kuprin "The Pit"

A group of students visit a brothel. They reflect on morality, education, love and women. And in the background Kuprin shows the life of the brothel and its inhabitants.

А. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow"

The story was published in 1790. In it, Radishchev focuses on the life of peasants at different points of his journey, autocracy and quotes from other authors' works.

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