When it comes to preparing for school, parents often have opposing views. Some believe that it can kill interest, while others think it will make school life easier. Let's find out if all this is true.
If a child comes to school prepared, he or she will be bored
It seems that while the class is learning the alphabet, the "reading" children are looking out the window and chattering their feet. But no one is bored in a good school.
Children's brains are not yet ready for the strain
Neural connections are constantly being formed in children's brains and its resource is much greater than we think. Of course, some areas of the brain are formed only with age. For example, verbal and logical thinking appears at the age of 6-7 and continues to develop for several years.
We need to extend childhood
The attitude "there is play and there is learning" is not very helpful for the child. Parents with such attitudes may unwittingly pass on to the child the belief that learning is hard work and that it requires effort.
It is better when play and learning are intertwined: play by learning and learn by playing.
Reading books about animals, dividing candy equally for the whole family, talking to relatives in Russian do not deprive childhood, but enrich it.
It is easier for a child to adapt to school if he or she is prepared
School is a new stage in a child's life and, naturally, difficulties may arise. It is not only about the knowledge that will facilitate the perception of school material, but also about the processes themselves. It is important for a child to learn many things: how to ask a teacher about something, what to do if he or she has forgotten about homework, how to correct a mistake, and so on.
Children become more confident and independent after school preparation
Yes, it does. Children who are prepared for school often feel more confident. They already know what awaits them and understand how to behave.
Feel a certain superiority and it boosts their self-esteem.
Children develop physiologically, psychologically and intellectually
Development happens when a child encounters something new. And preparation for school is just that, something new, interesting, challenging. Can I read this word? Will I be able to put the pictures in order faster than anyone else? That's development.