A holiday that only ten years ago we only knew about from horoscopes is the Chinese New Year. Today, it has gone beyond the borders of its country and is celebrated with great fanfare in different corners of the Earth. What is this holiday? What traditions exist in China when celebrating the Chinese New Year? Why has it gained such popularity in recent years? We will try to answer all the questions.
When did they first start celebrating Chinese New Year?
It is known that the holiday began to be celebrated as early as one and a half thousand years B.C., during the Shang Dynasty. The ancient Chinese were engaged in agriculture and even then they noticed the connection between the lunar cycles and the harvest. Thus, in the middle of winter they celebrated the transition to the new season and held rituals to placate the spirits.
Until 202 BC the date of the Chinese New Year was "floating", but during the Han Dynasty the date was fixed definitively - 1 day of the first lunar cycle after the solstice. About the special attitude to the period of the winter solstice we told in this article.
When does the Chinese New Year start and how long does it last?
Since the date of the new year in China is tied to the lunar cycle, it comes differently each year. The first day of the lunar cycle, called the new moon, usually falls between January 21 and February 20.
The celebrations last for 15 days and end with the Lantern Festival.
How many times do they celebrate the new year in China?
The traditional New Year, which is celebrated around the world from December 31 to January 1, is also celebrated in China. However, not so widely, since it is a Western tradition. But the Chinese celebrate their own Eastern New Year in a lavish manner and in accordance with all traditions.
The symbols of the Chinese New Year are animals
Since ancient times in China, there has been a tradition to endow each year with a different animal. There are twelve of them in all. And on the night of the Chinese New Year, a new animal takes over. In 2025, the symbol of the year is a green wooden snake. With the growing popularity of Chinese year symbols in the West, people began to congratulate each other on the year of the snake, bull, horse and so on, as early as January 1. This is incorrect, though. The symbol of the year begins to "rule" only with the onset of the Chinese New Year. In 2025, this is January 29.
Other symbols of the Chinese New Year
Chinese culture is symbolic, so all elements of Chinese New Year celebrations, have meaning.
In addition to animals - symbols of the year, lions and dragons are especially revered in China.
Leo in Chinese culture means protection, and it is customary to perform the "lion dance" during the new year period. These colorful performances date back to the reign of Emperor Tang Ming Huang in the early 7th century AD.
Dragon - is a mythical creature that in China embodies strength and good fortune. This symbol in Chinese culture appeared even earlier than the lion - in the 3rd century BC. During the festival, colorful processions with dragon dances also take place in the streets.
Fireworks - have an ancient history and are always launched during the two-week New Year's Eve celebration. According to legend, in ancient times there was a monster named Nyan, who used to walk through the houses of the inhabitants on New Year's Eve. Everyone was very afraid of him and tried to escape to the mountains. But on his way he met a boy who had a firecracker in his hands. The boy was not confused and lit it right in front of the monster. The monster was frightened and ran away. So firecrackers and fireworks became a symbol of expulsion of evil forces.
Tangerines and oranges - this fruit should be on the table during the New Year's holidays. As they bring wealth.
Red color - symbolizes happiness and good luck in China. Therefore, New Year's decorations are always made in this color.
Paper lettering with hieroglyphics on doors - They are believed to bring happiness to the home. They are also associated with an ancient legend about two guards who kept evil spirits out of the ghost world. Initially, their names were written on paper, which was hung on the door of the house. Gradually, other hieroglyphics were written to attract good luck and protect the house.
How New Year's Eve is celebrated in China
Before New Year's Eve, Chinese housewives make sure to prepare the house for the holiday and do a general cleaning. In addition, they hang red paper lanterns and cards in the house and in front of it. And on the door they hang paired inscriptions with wishes.
On New Year's Eve, the family gathers around the festive table for dinner and listens to the striking of the temple bells. Unlike the Western tradition, in China the bells are rung 108 times!
Fireworks are also set off on New Year's Eve, and on New Year's morning, family members are congratulated and gifts are given. On New Year's Eve in China, older relatives give red envelopes with money to their children. In this way they pass on prosperity to the new generation.
The streets are filled with festive festivities, parades and dances. Everything ends on the 15th day with the Lantern Festival.
Why is the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival?
Indeed, in Chinese, the word "chunze" means Spring Festival. During this period, the cold weather usually ended and nature woke up from its slumber. And, of course, people began to prepare for a new season of agricultural work.
What number in China brings wealth
Unlike the Western "seven," China has its own lucky number. It's eight. The thing is that in Chinese this word is similar in sound to the word that means success and prosperity. It's simple.
Traditional dishes for Chinese New Year
The main dish of the table on New Year's Eve is Chinese dumplings. They are made with different fillings - meat, cabbage, cottage cheese or noodles. In shape they resemble ancient Chinese coins, so they symbolize prosperity.
"New Year's Cake", which is not like the cake we are familiar with, is a rice cake. It is a sweet dessert made of glutinous rice with dates and lotus leaves.
Longevity noodles - they are cooked as long as possible, up to one and a half meters. And when you eat it, you can't cut or cut it off, because it symbolizes, of course, the length of life.
Chicken and fish are also present on the New Year's table, and they should be baked whole. This way they bring prosperity to the house and promote peace in the family.
Why Chinese New Year is popular around the world
Despite the traditional insularity of Chinese culture, the geography of the Eastern New Year expands every year.
In Russia, Chinese New Year is celebrated for the second year in a row, starting from 2024. This is due to the strengthening of relations between the two countries at the political level. And although Russians are strangers to Chinese traditions, they enjoy walking around Chinese-style decorated places. And also to discover new Chinese dishes. In any case, it's a great excuse to have fun in the midst of a gloomy winter.
The US is also celebrating the Chinese New Year with great interest. In 2025. in 10 major cities in the northern United States there are holiday parades, festivals and fireworks. Related, of course, to the growing Chinese population in America and the number of blended families. In addition, New York City has the largest Chinatown in the country.
In Canada, Chinese New Year is celebrated on an equally large scale - in 2025, this tradition will be 51 years old! Feb. 2 in Vancouver there will be a charity parade as part of the Chinese Spring Festival.
Australia, a nation seemingly far removed from Asian culture, is also joining in the celebration. In New South Wales. events are organized and workshops dedicated to the Chinese New Year.
In European countries, in cities with the largest concentration of Chinese migrants, festive parades are also held. The streets are decorated in traditional Chinese New Year style.
In addition, Chinese New Year is also celebrated in other Asian countries - Korea, Vietnam and Singapore. Of course, each of these countries has its own peculiarities, but in general, the general picture of the celebration is similar.
And if you are interested in reading about New Year vacations and traditions in different countries, we recommend reading these articles: