Palme School

20 signs that your child will be successful

Some children are said to be born leaders. Others are said to be future entrepreneurs. Sometimes even in childhood you can see the traits that will influence the child's future.

We've gathered signs that the child will be a successful adult: will set important goals and achieve them, build the right skills and be a happy person.

1. The child has an opinion.
2. Can solve problems in an unconventional way.
3. Thinks logically and consistently.
4. Moving around a lot. This is really important because during childhood, the brain gets oxygen if the child is physically active.
5. Able to negotiate and find compromises.
6. Interested in the causes and consequences of what is happening, the question "why?" is natural for him.
7. Curiosity, broad-mindedness. The more information the brain receives, the more it develops.
8. Can set goals and achieve them. And it doesn't matter that for now it's "save up for a toy". Then it will turn into "get a job in a famous company", "buy a country house".
9. Does not hesitate to ask for help. In the future, he will be able to delegate his responsibilities and avoid burnout.
10. A child has responsibilities at home that teach responsibility.
11. Growing up in an environment where he is loved and cared for.
12. Failure does not knock a child down for long. He may be worried, but then he will get up and try again.
13. He is able to communicate with people and make new friends. In the future, he will be able to dispose to himself, find an approach to everyone, surround himself with useful people.
14. The child has developed self-control. He or she can sit down to do homework, put away his or her things, or do chores without reminders.
15. Knows his strengths and weaknesses. He will become an adult with adequate self-esteem and will be able to avoid the disappointment of unachieved exaggerated goals.
16. The child has an excellent environment: good friends, a strong school, experienced teachers, a variety of circles and sections.
17. Understands the difference between cultures, hears different languages. When he/she becomes an adult, he/she will be able to look at situations from different perspectives and take intercultural sensitivity into account.
18. Has a sense of self-worth. So, he will not allow himself to be drawn into dubious ventures and can avoid conflicts.
19. Does the work thoroughly, conscientiously. Adults with this quality become excellent workers, conscientious parents and great friends.
20. He has kindness, patience, compassion. And similar, as we know, attracts similar.

You may think that this is too general advice that applies to every child. The truth is that every child can grow into a successful adult.

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