Online Russian language school in the USA and Canada
Studying programs
Directions are divided into types: "Russian for bilinguals" and "Russian as a foreign language" for those who do not speak or have little knowledge of Russian. Choose the right direction for your child and start learning now!
Russian language for bilinguals
The direction "Russian for bilinguals" is intended for children aged 4-14 who speak Russian at a basic level (A2). The courses are built taking into account the age characteristics of students and cover spelling, syntax, punctuation, morphology and other sections of the science of language.
Course program:
For children 4-5 years old
The course program is aimed at developing free communication with adults and children through the formation of a dictionary, the sound culture of speech, the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of a graphic representation of the letters of the Russian alphabet and their sound.
lessons per week
Course «Why»
Course program:
For children 6-7 years old
The course program aims to teach reading and writing, develop the skills of coherent monologue and dialogic speech, develop skills in working with text, and expand the horizons of students.
lessons per week
Course «ABCDE»
Course program:
For children 6-7 years old
The program is aimed at improving reading and writing skills, developing speech skills, enriching and expanding the vocabulary, improving phonemic hearing, implementing grammar and spelling propaedeutics, and developing speed reading skills.
lessons per week
Course «Letters»
Course program:
For children 7-9 years old
The program provides for the study of such topics as language and speech, word and syllable, stress, sounds and letters, text, sentence and phrase, word composition, word in language and speech, independent and service parts of speech, syntax. Literature. Acquaintance with the works of Russian-speaking writers. Learning to work with text, the ability to express one's thoughts, talk about what has been read, conduct discussions, improve the skills of monologue speech, enrich the vocabulary. Development of interest in reading.
lessons per week
Course «The first stage»
Course program:
For children 10-14 years old
The course program covers sections of phonetics and graphics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemics and word formation, morphology (noun, adjective, verb, pronoun) and spelling. Literature. Acquaintance with the works of Russian-speaking writers. Learning to work with text, the ability to express one's thoughts, talk about what has been read, conduct discussions, improve the skills of monologue speech, enrich the vocabulary. Development of interest in reading.
lessons per week
Course «The second stage»
Course program:
For children 11-14 years old
The program provides for the study of such topics as language and speech, word and syllable, stress, sounds and letters, text, sentence and phrase, word composition, word in language and speech, independent and auxiliary parts of speech, syntax. Literature. Acquaintance with the works of Russian-speaking writers. Learning to work with text, the ability to express one's thoughts, talk about what has been read, conduct discussions, improve the skills of monologue speech, enrich the vocabulary. Development of interest in reading.
lessons per week
Course «The third stage»
Russian as a foreign language
The direction "Russian as a foreign language" is intended for children aged 4-14 who do not speak Russian or have little knowledge of Russian. Each course includes the basic requirements for the possession of language and communicative competencies in the field of writing, reading, speaking and listening from the elementary level (A1) to basic (A2).
Course program:
For children 4-6 years old
Teaching phonetic, grammatical and lexical aspects of oral speech. Creation of motivation for learning activities, development of interest in the process of mastering the Russian language. Particular attention at this stage is paid to the development of oral forms of speech: listening (through the use of authentic texts) and speaking. The program will allow you to successfully start live communication in Russian.
lessons per week
Course «The first step»
Course program:
For children 7-9 years old
Teaching the Russian language from level zero to B1, taking into account the age characteristics of students. The course is designed for comprehensive training, where the task is to master all types of speech activity (productive and receptive) in close relationship and interaction with linguistic aspects. As part of the course, students actively get acquainted with Russian culture. The course program will allow you to communicate confidently in Russian.
lessons per week
Course «The second step»
Course program:
For children 10-14 years old
Teaching the Russian language from level zero to B1, taking into account the age characteristics of students. The course is designed for comprehensive training, where the task is to master all types of speech activity in close relationship and interaction with linguistic aspects. As part of the course, students actively get acquainted with Russian culture. The course program will allow you to communicate confidently in Russian.
lessons per week
Course «The third step»
Education format overview
Principles and features of conducting classes
3 subcourses, 3 months each, a certificate at the end of each subcourse
9 months of study
Effective group learning is our top priority
9 groups of students
You can become a student of the school at any time with any language proficiency
Courses available all year round
Young professionals with extensive experience in working with children
Our teachers are native speakers
That allows learning on the move
Interactive lessons
The main method of teaching at our school
Full immersion in the language environment
The important thing is to have access to the Internet
Study at a convenient time from any country
Helps to focus on communication with the teacher
Improved format of online learning
Close teacher-student relationships
The on-screen image of the teacher is enlarged
© 2022 Palme — Online Russian language school in the USA and Canada