Palme School

Ways to strengthen the emotional bond with your child

Nothing is more important to loving parents than a strong emotional bond with their child. Such a "golden thread" - the key to healthy relationships between loved ones. One effective way to make a stronger bond with your child is to teach positive interaction. And the rules are very simple:

- Give your child a hug every day. Feeling physical contact will make him feel safe. It will also have a positive effect on self-esteem, physical and mental health at an early age.
- Play with your children. At this time, go back to your childhood. It will be easier to find a common language with your child. Collect constructors, play computer games, sports games, anything that will give a lot of positivity to both of you.
- Be sure to find something you can laugh about together. These funny moments will help you fight anxiety in the future.
- Try to live in the present moment, not thinking about what was yesterday and what will be tomorrow.
- Talk to your child before bedtime. It is important that he or she goes to bed calm and peaceful, not forced by mom and dad.
- When communicating with children, do not use gadgets. It is better to turn off your cell phone or tablet right away. This way the child will know that the time you spend with him or her is really appreciated.
- Comb your child's hair. Little gestures of attention will help strengthen your bond. Of course, a teenager may not like it, but preschoolers love this activity.

If you follow these simple but important rules, can lay the groundwork for healthy relationships in the future.

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