One of the weakest aspects of education in the United States is foreign languages. English is among the most widespread, so Americans learn it as a native language. Most often Spanish is chosen as a second language, because there are a lot of Spanish-speaking people and migrants in America. And the most accessible country for vacations is Latin America.
According to the Modern Language Association (MLA), Russian is among the 10 most studied languages at colleges and universities in the United States. In total, there are about 6 million people in America who speak Russian and that number is growing.
At colleges and universities, students can study Russian. For example, at Macalister College, students study Russian language and culture, travel to Russia and even live in the Russian House, watch Russian movies, and cook borscht and pelmeni.
But if Americans do learn a second language, it is not for 8-9 years, as in Russia, but only 2-3 quarters. Therefore, it can be difficult for Americans to know the language well, speak it, understand jokes and read books.
In some states, learning any foreign language has been made compulsory because it gives a strong boost to mental development. Only those who learn languages well are those who learn them with a purpose, whether they have taken political classes or translation classes.
And we'll talk about why students and pupils learn Russian next time.