If children have no desire to learn, the problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible so that it doesn't get worse. Here's how you can take action.
First find out why your child doesn't want to study. Knowing the answer, it is easier to find a solution to the problem. If there is no motivation, it is necessary to interest the child in learning, and if there are problems with the team - conversations with parents, psychologist, joint holidays will be useful.
To find out why a child does not want to learn, you can ask directly or shift the focus to other children. For example, say, "My colleague at work has a son who doesn't want to learn at all. You are about the same age. What do you think could be the problem?". The child will unwittingly voice what is relevant to him.
What to do if:
- A kid is being bullied at school. For example, if your child doesn't get along well at Saturday school, you can transfer your son or daughter to an online school. If possible, of course. It is also necessary to understand the reasons for bullying and work with a psychologist.
- The child doesn't understand why to learn. It means that he/she has not formed learning motivation. This happens when a child goes to school too early or just hasn't "played" yet. You can talk about how learning helps in life. For example, knowing math makes it easier to buy lemonade and ice cream, and knowing chemistry makes it easier to do interesting experiments. And also thanks to education you can get an interesting profession and earn money.
- The child is bored with learning. This happens when teachers teach lessons without being creative or showing the practical applicability of the lesson. For example, if children are learning about fractions, you could tell them how fractions are used in recipes for their favorite foods.
- It's hard for a child to learn. Most likely, he did not understand some important topic and fell behind the group. You can study at home, find the "weak link" and then catch up with everyone as soon as possible.
And lastly, a few more tips.
Find what the child is interested in and show the relationship between interests and school. For example, if he or she likes sports, show what sports opportunities are available at his or her school.
Give praise for any successes, even small ones. Let learning be associated with positivity, not problems.
Help build authority in the classroom. Your child can make an unusual presentation in class or teach your classmates a trick.