Palme School

Why you should learn Russian even if your child is not Rosenthal

A child needs the Russian language, even if he or she is not going to thoroughly study the native culture or create textbooks and reference books on the Russian language like Dmitry Rosenthal.


That's what he's good for:


- It helps with self-identity. A child with Russian roots will always feel different from others. And it is important that he should be proud of this difference, cherish it, understand his peculiarities and study more deeply the culture and mentality of his people.

- Forms a bond with the roots. Knowing Russian, children will be able to communicate with their relatives and receive support from them. They will not be left alone and will always know that their world is not limited to the country they live in.

- Teaches a different way of looking at things, helps you find hidden meanings. Russian wise proverbs, cunning riddles, majestic and solemn bylinas about the exploits of bogatyrs, fairy tales and the main idea that good always triumphs over evil are part of the Russian language. Studying it, the child forms his moral character, memorizes historical events and imbues himself with the spirit of the Motherland.

- Expands the mind. The more ideas a child has about the world around him, the more flexible his thinking will be. And this quality will come in handy in study, work and everyday life. All the more, understanding Russian traditions, culture, mentality, the child realizes his connection with them.

- Gives the brain a workout. When a child learns a language, the brain creates new neural connections, the volume of gray matter increases, and this has a beneficial effect on learning other subjects. In addition, memory and attention are improved, and the child is more successful in solving puzzles and other tasks.


Konstantin Ushinsky wrote: "It is not conventional sounds only that a child learns, studying his native language, he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of the native word. It explains nature to him, as no naturalist could explain it; it familiarizes him with the character of the people around him, with the society among which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could familiarize him; it introduces him to folk beliefs, folk poetry, as no aesthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, could not inform the child no philosopher".


Learning a native language is not difficult, but a very important contribution to the future of our children.

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