Palme School

Last Call: 1 day left and Early Bird Price will burn out

There is very little time left. But now you can still buy a subscription to Conversation Club training at the most appetizing prices:

- 1 month at $79 (11% discount)
- 3 months at $59 per month (33% discount)
- 6 months at $54 per month (39% discount)
- 12 months at $49 per month (44% discount)

These are the results you'll get if you enroll your child in Conversation Club 2.0:

- Vocabulary will increase
- The "language barrier" will disappear
- You will develop the ability to express your thoughts competently, to conduct a dialog
- Confidence in yourself and your knowledge will emerge
- Communication skills will develop

We have small groups, which means that the child will be able to actively participate in discussions on topics that are tailored to the children's age and level of knowledge.

Our enhanced Conversation Club always has a warm, friendly atmosphere that encourages each child to socialize.

Reminder: offer to subscribe to Conversation Club 2.0 at the best price burns off Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Vancouver time.

Sign up for a free trial lesson.

Leave an application for a free first lesson to get to know each other, determine your level, and schedule a schedule that is convenient for you

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Sign up for Russian Dictation
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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator