Palme School

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2025

Did you know that there is a fashion for Christmas tree decorations? Do you want to know how the very first Christmas trees were decorated and where this tradition first appeared? In this article, you will also learn in what fashionable colors you can decorate your Christmas tree this year. And if you want to learn about the origin of the Christmas holiday, you can read about it in the this article.

  1. The History of the Christmas Tree
  2. How the first Christmas trees were decorated
  3. In what colors to decorate the Christmas (New Year) tree in 2025

How the idea of decorating trees for Christmas came about

As far as we know from sources, the tradition of decorating a fir tree for the New Year existed as far back as the ancient Germanic tribes. As is usually the case, Orthodox celebrations trace their origins back to pagan beliefs. Even before the conversion to Christianity, tribes would dress up the trees in the forestto make friends with the spirits. Since hunters had a hard time in winter, they tried to placate the forest creatures. To do this, people decorated fir trees with various treats and performed rituals around them. In this way, people hoped to get protection from evil forces and good health.

But how did a pagan rite become a Christian symbol of Christmas? According to legend, the first time the idea to decorate a Christmas tree came to the mind of the famous German reformer Martin Luther, back in the 16th century. It is only known that he gave it the meaning of the Nativity of the Child Jesus. Thus, the candles meant light, and the star at the top of the tree - the biblical star from Bethlehem, which showed the way to the Magi.

First Christmas decorations

Later, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees before Christmas began to spread throughout Europe. It is known that the first decorations were apples. First, they symbolized the original sin of Adam and Eve. Secondly, of all the fruits, they were perfectly preserved from mid-October until Christmas.

Interestingly enough, the funny memes of Christmas trees hanging from the ceiling for safekeeping from house cats have real roots. At first, Christmas trees were really suspended from the ceiling by the top. It wasn't until some time later that they started putting them on the floor, in barrels of sand.

In addition to apples, Christmas trees were decorated with church bread (clouds), as well as thin gold threads and tinsel. Yes, yes, modern "raindrops" were invented back in the 16th century!

In the 17th century, paper flowers joined these decorations. There are several reasons for this, but the main one, of course, is religious. For example, the rose is a symbol of Our Lady Mary.

Closer to our era, the religious connotation of the Christmas tree began to give way to the secular meaning. For example, already in the 19th century, the tree began to be decorated with delicacies - candies, lollipops, nuts in foil. Thus, the Christmas tree became a holiday that all children began to wait for. In fact, after the end of the holiday period (usually on Epiphany), children were allowed to take treats from the Christmas tree.

In what colors to decorate the Christmas tree in 2025

Every era has its own fashion for Christmas decorations and if you want to decorate your tree in a new way, you can refer to the horoscope. Since the symbol of the coming year 2025 is the green tree snake, you can follow the tips below.

When choosing decor for your Christmas tree, don't forget that still the main goal is to create home warmth and a festive atmosphere.

  • green - the most important color of the new year. Of course, decorating a green Christmas tree with toys of the same color is probably not worth it. But if you have a non-standard artificial Christmas tree of white or silver color, the green decor will look spectacular;
  • sandy - You can choose beautiful balls or candles of this color. The main thing is to keep a visual balance when decorating the tree - hang large balls from the bottom and small ones from the top.
  • gray and black - will look just as unusual on a non-traditional Christmas tree. You can be imaginative! Or stop at just one toy of black or gray shade;
  • golden - is a traditional color for Christmas tree decorations, so there should be no problem with the options. By the way, this color carries wealth, so be sure to include it in your decor.

No matter what toys you choose to decorate your Christmas tree, it will reflect your family values. It's a great idea to make a 2025 symbol with your children and hang the snakes on the tree.

If you haven't yet decided where to go as a family for Christmas vacation, read on this article. In it, we talk about 8 popular cities in the US for vacations with kids.

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