The ability to speak is an important skill that should be learned from childhood. After all, it determines how a person will formulate their thoughts and be able to argue their position. That is why we have created a separate year-long course "Conversation School" dedicated to learning to speak in Russian.
How spoke Leo Tolstoy:
"We often repeat that a man is judged by his deeds, but we sometimes forget that a word is also a deed. A man's speech is a mirror of himself.
What is Talking School
The main focus of the conversation school is on the development of communication skills. This includes: practicing communicating on new topics, enriching the general vocabulary, and getting to know new areas of communication.
In each lesson, the teacher offers a separate topic for discussion that is not related to the previous one. In this way, the child can join the group from any lesson.
Before the lesson, the teacher sends a list of vocabulary on the upcoming topic to the student's personal account so that the child can prepare in advance. During the lesson, this vocabulary is translated into speech using grammatical constructions and context.
Course details
Children at Talking School are divided into age-appropriate groups by level:
- initial
- basic
- advanced
The full course lasts 12 months and includes 50 themed sessions.
Classes are held once a week for 40 minutes. To join the course, you must inform your tutor, who will determine the level of your child. Once an appropriate group and a convenient time has been selected, you can join the class.
Course Objective
The main goal of the Conversation School course is to remove the language barrier and get your child talking. Since many of our students lack a language environment, we create one during the lessons. By interacting with the teacher and other children, students practice their oral skills. Communication is not only about speaking, but also about listening and understanding others. That is why in our conversation school we put mutual understanding and interaction at the center of learning.
What is the difference between "Conversation School" and regular Russian language lessons at palme School?
Conversation school for bilingual children and students learning Russian as a foreign language is a special form of classes where communication skills are developed. While in Russian language classes children learn to speak, read and write, the interaction is mainly with the teacher.
The basis of the lessons at the Conversation School is the practice of communication with the enrichment of vocabulary on various topics. These may be topics related to culture and modern language trends, as well as familiarization with new spheres of communication. Lessons are taught by native Russian-speaking teachers. Since the topics are not repeated, you can join the course at any time during the year.
What the classes are filled with
In conversation classes, students can discuss a wide range of topics, starting with simple ones, such as talking about their hobbies, to more complex and relevant sociocultural issues.
The process includes interactive games and exercises aimed at developing communication skills and practicing speech. This helps to maintain a friendly and open atmosphere in the classroom, where each student can feel confident and comfortable.
If you want your child to be fluent in Russian and able to discuss various life topics, join the course of the "Conversation School".
You can subscribe to the course either separately or as a bonus at checkout a year's subscription to Russian lessons.
To enroll for lessons at Palme School, please leave a request in the form below. Our manager will contact you and clarify all the details.