Palme School

Reading to children. Why is it important to read to children from an early age?

Let's talk about why you should read books to children and how to instill in them a love of reading. Nowadays, children learn to read early, and some of them master different alphabets of several languages as early as 4-5 years old. Naturally, next, parents expect children to start reading better and more. Books, of course. Good, useful, intelligent. But here's the paradox. As soon as a child learns to read, this skill he hones on the Internet, downloading games. And when he grows up, he registers his page in social networks, and everything he reads is reduced to comments under the rils.

What to do? Accept that the world has changed. And while we adults used to have books as our only entertainment, children have been replaced by gadgets. We ourselves tell them about our childhood with black-and-white TVs and cassette recorders. We also tell them about the excitement when we first saw a flat-screen TV.

Why read to children?

Once parents accept the fact that the world will not be the same, action can be taken. As you know, there are several ways to instill a love of reading in children. And one of them is to read books together. Yes, it's that simple. If you're already doing that, you can skip this point and move on to the book list. And if you have been thinking about it but kept putting it off, this section below gives you an interesting tip.

Read books before bedtime. Even if your child can already read on their own, reading books to your children is not only an example, but also builds a strong bond between you. Many parents cite fatigue and busyness, but convince yourself that it's as important as brushing your teeth. You don't have to devote an entire evening to reading. If you don't have much time, 5-10 minutes is enough. Choose a small book or settle for one chapter.

Lifehack! If the story ends before the end, the child may become curious about what happens next. And in this way, he will show interest in reading independently. Only the story must be really interesting to the child.

Ways to instill a love of reading

Of course, there are many options to instill a love of reading. But first, think about it - do you like to read? What have you read lately? How often does your child see you with a book? If this activity is not part of the family's daily routine, it is likely that the child will not be able to explain its necessity.

But, if you love reading and your child does not, the situation can be remedied. Here are some tips:

  • Sign up at the library and go together. Let your child choose what you will read before bedtime. And how to increase his interest in independent reading, we have already written above.
  • When traveling, don't give your child a phone. Instead, download audiobooks or play them online. Let your child develop imagination through listening.
  • Nowadays, comic books are gaining popularity. And teens are sharing this knowledge with each other through social media. Find out from your child what comic book series and characters he likes and buy him some to read. Let these be his first books. Then try other topics. It is important that the child is really interested in holding the books in his hands.
  • Find a reading club for children. There are now many online resources where a teacher gathers a group of students for a weekly reading discussion. You can test several of these book clubs and find one where your child likes the atmosphere and the group.
  • How long to read books to children before bedtime? There are no clear boundaries for this, because for children - this is one of the joint rituals. Read as long as you yourself are comfortable. And, as you see that the teenager before bedtime himself takes up an interesting book, you can be happy with the result.

Reading books to children about children

It's no secret that teens like to read stories about their peers. Who are also in school, who have to do boring homework and obey their parents. They also get into unusual situations.

What you might suggest reading to teens:

  1. Max Brallier. "Last Teenagers on Earth." - A series of 9 books for middle school age. A fantasy novel about 13-year-olds who fight monsters trying to take over the Earth.
  2. Ryber W. "Summer Camp". - scary stories for teenagers. Kids at summer camp tell each other scary stories around the campfire, and the morning the storyteller disappears without a trace. There is definitely some mysticism going on at camp!
  3. Kenny Jeff. "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." - A series of 19 books about a boy who writes a diary about his life in an ironic way. Parents will also find it interesting to read with their son.
  4. Sarah Beth Durst. "The Girl Who Never Dreamed." - A book about a girl, Sophie, with an intricate detective plot. The book is about teenage friendship, mutual help and family relationships. It would be useful to read with your teenage daughter.
  5. Won Pyung Sung. "Girl with a Fox Tail" - a series of 5 fantasy books about a kumiho girl who can turn into a fox. If your child is fascinated by Asian culture, you can read books from this series.

What else to read

In addition to contemporary books for teens, we have other book selections on our blog. Follow the links and explore. Enjoy your reading!

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