Does it depend on how educated mom and dad are, or maybe on the financial situation in the family? Unexpected conclusions were made by sociologists from St. Petersburg after another study. It turns out that school performance will not be affected in any way:
- Housing conditions. Neither a rented apartment nor the lack of a child's own nursery has any impact on whether or not a child will have good grades or not
- Material condition of the family
- Whether or not the house, apartment has a large home library
- Relationship problems between mom and dad, as long as they try to work it out.
- Alcoholism of one of the parents
But will have a positive impact on a student's progress:
- Grandma. As strange as it may sound, having children living in the same apartment as their grandmothers makes them grow up more successful and, of course, happier
- Family Values and Holidays. Sociologists have confirmed that families of honors students celebrate family holidays
- Mom and Dad's self-actualization. Parents of "good" and "excellent" students are fully satisfied with their professional activities
- Parents' satisfaction with their own lives. If mom and dad are excited about each day, their children will be academically successful. At least that's what research has shown
If a child does not study well, do not justify the failure by lack of money, poor living conditions or problems in relationships. Learn to enjoy life yourself, create a culture of family holidays, pay attention to the child and, perhaps, yesterday's "triple loser" will be happy with his desire to learn!