Palme School

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📌 Palme online Russian language school for children from 4 years old. We teach to speak, read and write in Russian. We immerse them in Russian culture and help parents convey to their children a sense of the beauty, richness and depth of the Russian language.

Palme School also offers math, geography, drawing and chess lessons. There is also a conversation school.

✅ For all subjects, we provide 2 free trial lessons for you to get to know us better.

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Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator