Palme School

Our students learn skills that will be useful in adulthood

You enroll your child in Palme School to learn Russian, but you get more.


  • Children learn to think bigger


This cannot be taught on purpose. You can only create the conditions in which a child starts to notice more possibilities, ideas, opinions around him/her. Immersion in another culture and learning a foreign language quickly develops the ability to think more broadly.


  • Ability to build relationships with people


Teamwork teaches children to trust others, listen to their opinions and not be afraid to express their ideas. At Palme School, children interact closely with each other, so they become more communicative and learn to find a common language with others.


  • Learning the right way to learn


You have to study all your life. The ability to structure, analyze and assimilate information will help you many times in university, work and learning a new hobby.


  • Ability to achieve goals


Children come to our school to speak Russian. After a while, they achieve their goal. It teaches them to be braver, more determined and persistent in their own desires, not to give up even in difficult situations. Having learned this lesson in childhood, it is easier for people to achieve their goals.


  • Self-discipline


Today a child refuses to watch a cartoon in favor of Russian language classes, and tomorrow he will achieve career heights because he was hardworking. Self-discipline must be developed from early childhood.


Don't miss the chance to raise a thinking, responsible and hardworking child while Palme School is running a promotion for a year's tuition.


Three benefits of a year-long program:


- Special price from $59 per month

- Guaranteed results

- Extra freeze on all school vacations


The promotion will end Feb. 20 at 11:59 p.m. Vancouver time.

Sign up for a free trial lesson.

Leave an application for a free first lesson to get to know each other, determine your level, and schedule a schedule that is convenient for you

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Sign up for Russian Dictation
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator
Sign up for a free lesson
Submit a request for a free first session with a guidance counselor to get to know each other, determine your goals, and match your child with an educator