Palme School

"Boys don't cry". Debunking myths about raising a "real man"

"You're a man!", "You're not a girl to cry!", "Give in, you're a man"... Have you ever said this to your son? Maybe you think that dancing, philology, floristry is not for boys? Or are you sincerely sure that the upbringing of boys should be spartan and severe?

Alas, these stereotypes still sit tightly in the heads of our compatriots. And not only them. Let us list the three main myths about the upbringing of boys:

- Myth #1. A man must be brought up harshly. Psychological and emotional pressure does not harden, but breaks a man. Constantly punishing, not showing love to your child, you will raise him or too hard, callous, or mentally and emotionally unstable person.

- Myth #2. A man must be physically strong. Physical strength has nothing to do with real strength, which consists of willingness to fight and fearlessness. If you want to raise your son to be a man in the traditional sense of this role, teach him not to be afraid and to stand up for himself.

- Myth #3. A man should. He must provide, he must work 24 hours a day, he must give way, he must box, not dance. All these "shoulds" at 45-50 lead to heart attacks.

How do you raise a future man?

- Give your child more autonomy.
- Never use physical punishment.
- Talk to him as an equal. That way you'll give him self-respect.
- Show your son that he can solve his own problems.
- Hug and kiss your child more. In this way you will raise an uninhibited person who will not seek affection from others.
- Love your son for who he is.

It doesn't matter if you have a full family or if your son has a dad, these rules are universal and always work. Remember that you are not raising a man, but a human being - healthy, strong and self-confident.

Based on an interview with Mikhail Labkovsky, "How to raise boys properly".

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