Palme School

What type of intelligence does the child have?

Some moms and dads want their child to fulfill their childhood dream and become someone outstanding. But here it is important to honestly answer to yourself the question whether you want your children to be happy or not. And in order for the child to find himself in this world, it is very important to listen to him in time, to understand his abilities and desires. In total, there are 8 types of intelligence of a child.


These children excel in sports. They move well and their movements are coordinated.


This type of intelligence shows how well the child is able to visualize objects, dreams and places. Such children are talented at drawing and sculpting. They can also express thoughts and feelings in visual form.

Logical and mathematical

Such intelligence is directly related to children's math computational abilities.


All children who love to sing and compose music possess it. They are the ones who understand music best.


These children have excellent language skills. If a child has beautiful handwriting, enjoys reading and can spell complex words correctly, you can be sure that he or she has linguistic intelligence.


Related to the ability to enjoy solitude. If a child is left alone and is not bored during this time, it indicates that he or she has developed this type of intelligence.


The child has no problem finding a common language with other people. He also has a lot of friends and loves company.


Children possessing this intelligence love nature. They are always interested in various phenomena.

Observe your child, discover their strengths, and help them grow up happy and successful.

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