Do you think that the statement "If a child learns and seeks knowledge from childhood, he or she will have a better chance of becoming a department head, director or company owner" is correct? Let's find out.
Why do people take prospective positions?
Because they have the necessary abilities, knowledge and skills to do so. For example, it is much easier to become a department head if a person knows how to set goals, motivate employees to work more efficiently, brilliantly get out of difficult situations and find non-standard solutions to problems. Successful managers are people who are responsible, goal-oriented, self-confident, understand cause-and-effect relationships and are able to predict results. But Business Owners or Directors were not born that way, but received the necessary qualities after they were born. And then the following question arises.
Why do people become successful?
We can talk about luck, about someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time, about a position "by acquaintance". But these isolated cases in no way diminish the fact that the childhood of successful people differed from the childhood of those who occupy the lowest positions.
What are the differences?
- Brain strain. The more the brain has to overcome difficulties, solve problems, think outside the box, reorganize ways of thinking, the higher the load on the brain and the better it works. And it is the load during childhood that is most important, as it is the most favorable time to invest in the future.
- Expanding your horizons. The broader the outlook, the broader the thinking. And the broader the thinking, the more often actions lead to the desired result. The breadth of interests has a direct impact on future success.
- Adequate self-esteem. It is very important that the child clearly sees his strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks. This will help them not to let things get too small and achieve their goals. Children with high/low self-esteem are unlikely to achieve significant results.
- Purposefulness. The ability to set goals and go towards them is a very important quality for every manager, entrepreneur, company director. And here we are talking not only about goals for business, but also about self-development, hobbies, time planning, prioritization. Burning through life aimlessly and lack of perseverance are not the qualities that a future company owner or a promising employee needs.
There are dozens of other precursors to success, but these are the most basic. By investing time and effort in our children's education, we are creating their successful future.