The child can learn even complex material and achieve the goal set by the teacher. At the same time, he will not have to be "forced", as he will learn with pleasure. The whole secret is in the right motivation.
How do you motivate a child?
Palme School teachers shared their experiences:
- Become a child's best friend. The authoritarian style is a thing of the past. Children are not afraid of the teacher. They are happy to raise their hands, answer questions and ask their own if there are difficulties. A good teacher emphasizes the child's strengths and helps him or her gain confidence.
- Use game techniques. Play is motivating in itself. It is interesting and engaging if its form and content are age-appropriate. Children enjoy solving rebuses, doing story tasks (for example, "Let's go on a space math adventure").
- Don't forget about believing in miracles and holidays. Before the New Year, Palme School students wrote complicated and long letters to Santa Claus. Even the little ones did a lot of work.
- Notice children's efforts and praise sincerely for good results. A child is very eager to prove himself and it is important for him to answer first. Therefore, lessons should be organized in such a way that each student has an opportunity to answer. The groups at Palme School are very small, so each child is actively involved in the learning process.
- Explain why to study a particular topic. This works well with older children. It is important that they understand how this knowledge will be useful to them in the future. Perhaps it will be needed at secondary school or university and will help them to solve some "life" problems.
- Allow freedom to choose topics. Once every few weeks the children can choose their own topic. This is interesting and allows them to broaden their horizons.
Palme School pupils achieve their goals and learn with great pleasure.