Palme School

Child abuse. Tips from psychologists

All parents want their children to grow up to be kind, sensitive and good people. But at some point they may notice that the child starts to show aggression to other children or animals. This behavior of the son and daughter is frightening and the question immediately arises as to why the child behaves this way. According to child psychologists, the reasons may be different:

- The child copies the behavior of those closest to him or her - moms, dads
- Permanent bans play, make noise, run, jump.
- Lack of attention on the part of the parents
- Disrespect to the child's personality

Negative example of mom and dad, school, new friends - all this can affect the inner world of the child.

If causing evil to others, son and daughter get pleasure, you need to understand the reason and find a way to change the child's behavior.

But, of course, it is always better to warn. Child psychologists advise parents who want to see their child kind and sensitive in the future:

- To instill moral values by personal example
- To teach to see the goodness in everyone
- Control who the child is friends with, what he/she is interested in, what he/she watches
- Clearly define in advance the scope of what is allowed
- Talk to your child more often about his or her attitudes toward various social phenomena and other people
- Giving children as much attention and love as possible
- To teach to express one's own opinion, to defend one's point of view without aggression

Child abuse in the family is unacceptable. Try to talk to your children as much as possible and become their best friend. Be sure to create a warm, friendly environment in your home.

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